Improve your content quality in seconds

Hyperef is a single <script /> that automatically inject internal links on your articles. Our missing is to keep your readers busy with the best and most interesting articles on your site.

  <script async


How it works

Using state-of-the-art machine-learning, we match all your articles together and choose the best phrase to reference them on the text. Installation take only 2 minutes, via a script placed on every page on your website.

Main Features

Essential tools for any website.

Dynamic Content

All the links will update daily, based on your traffic and the newest content available.

Reduce Bounce-Rate

Give your users more reasons to stay on your site while continue reading what interest them most.

Positive Reinforcement

Direct traffic to well-known articles and focus on what already works best.

Early Adopters

Hyperef is currently in beta. Try it for FREE!

Contact us for early access.